Here is the list of PhD student I have supervised or co-supervised, together with their PhD topics, selected articles and links to their work:
Clément Romac (ongoing, co-supervised with Thomas Wolf), web:
Grgur Kovac (ongoing, co-supervised with Peter Ford Dominey), web:
Thomas Carta (ongoing, co-supervised with Olivier Sigaud and Sylvain Lamprier), web:
Rania Abdelghani (ongoing, co-supervised with Hélène Sauzéon and Catherine de Vulpuillères), web:
Laetitia Teodorescu (ongoing, co-supervised with Katja Hoffmann)
Mayalen Etcheverry (ongoing, co-supervised with Clément Moulin-Frier), web:
Maxime Adolphe (ongoing, co-supervised with Hélène Sauzéon), web:
Tristan Karch (ongoing, co-supervised with Clément Moulin-Frier), web:
Sébastien Forestier (2019) Computational models of hierarchical curiosity-driven development of tool use and speech
- Web:
- Selected publications:
- Curiosity-driven Development of Tool-Use Precursors: a Computational Model
Sebastien Forestier and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (2016)
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, USA: Cognitive Science Society.
- Curiosity-driven Development of Tool-Use Precursors: a Computational Model
William Schueller (2018) Computational study of the impact of active learning and active teaching in models of the formation of linguistic conventions
- Web:
- Selected publications:
- Active Learning and Active Control of Growth Complexity in Naming Games
William Schueller and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (2015)
5th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics, Providence, USA. [code][Jupyter notebooks for reproducing the graphs]
- Active Learning and Active Control of Growth Complexity in Naming Games
Benjamin Clément (2018) Active teaching and multi-armed bandits for intelligent tutoring systems (Co-supervised with Manuel Lopes)
- Web:
- Selected publications:
- Multi-Armed Bandits for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Benjamin Clement, Didier Roy, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes (2015)
Journal of Educational Data Mining (JEDM), Vol 7, No 2.
- Multi-Armed Bandits for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Fabien Benureau (defended in 2014) Autonomous exploration and transfer learning in sensorimotor skill acquisition
- Web:
- Current position: postdoc in Inria Mnemosyne team)
- Selected publications:
- Behavioral Diversity Generation in Autonomous Exploration Through Reuse of Past Experience
F. Benureau, P-Y. Oudeyer (2016)
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2016. [code] - Diversity-Driven Selection of Exploration Strategies in Multi-Armed Bandits
F. Benureau, P-Y. Oudeyer
ICDL-Epirob conference, Providence, RI, USA, 2015. {pdf} {bibtex} {code} {raw plots}
- Behavioral Diversity Generation in Autonomous Exploration Through Reuse of Past Experience
- PhD manuscript: F. Benureau, Self-Exploration of Sensorimotor Spaces in Robots Ph.D. thesis, University of Bordeaux, May 2015. {pdf} {code}
Olivier Mangin (defended in 2014) The Emergence of Multimodal Concepts: From Perceptual Motion Primitives to Grounded Acoustic Words
- Web:
- Current position: postdoc at Scassellati‘s social robotics laboratory at Yale university, US.
- Awards: Best PhD thesis poster — Bordeaux doctoral school of mathematics and computer science
- Selected publications:
- MCA-NMF: Multimodal concept acquisition with non-negative matrix factorization
Mangin O., Filliat D., ten Bosch L, Oudeyer P.Y.,
PlOS ONE, October 21, 2015.[bibtex][pdf][code][data] - Learning the combinatorial structure of demonstrated behaviors with inverse feedback control
Mangin O., Oudeyer P.Y.,
Human Behavior Unterstanding: Third International Workshop, HBU 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve (Portugal). LNCS 7559[bibtex] - Learning to recognize parallel combinations of human motion primitives with linguistic descriptions using non-negative matrix factorization
Mangin O., Oudeyer P.Y.,
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve (Portugal), 2012. [bibtex][data][details][screencast]
- MCA-NMF: Multimodal concept acquisition with non-negative matrix factorization
- Code: emergence of multimodal concept [github] A set of tools and experimental scripts used to achieve multimodal learning with nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF).
- Datasets: Choreography dataset [doc] [download] [see examples] This dataset is made of choreography motions captured through a kinect device. The choreography motions have a particular combinatorial structure: choreographies are designed as simultaneous execution of some primitive motions from a given set of primitive dance motions.
- PhD manuscript: Mangin O., The Emergence of Multimodal Concepts: From Perceptual Motion Primitives to Grounded Acoustic Words March 2014, Université de Bordeaux, France. [bibtex] [defense video]
Thomas Cederbog (defended in 2014) A formal approach to social learning: Exploring language acquisition through imitation
- Current position: postdoc at Charles Isbell’s AI lab, Georgia Tech, US.
- Award: Best PhD award in Region Aquitaine, awarded at NOVAQT science and technology festival, 2014.
- Selected publications:
- A social learning formalism for learners trying to figure out what a teacher wants them to do
Cederborg,, T. and Oudeyer, P-Y. (2014)
Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 5:64-99. - From Language to Motor Gavagai: Unified Imitation Learning of Multiple Linguistic and Non-linguistic Sensorimotor Skills
Cederborg, T. and Oudeyer, P-Y. (2013)
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, pp. 222-239, 5(3). - Imitating Operations On Internal Cognitive Structures for Language Aquisition
Thomas Cederborg, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE RAS HUMANOIDS conference, 2011, Bled, Slovenia. pp.NA, 2011 - Simultaneous Acquisition of Task and Feedback Models
Manuel Lopes, Thomas Cederborg, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Proceedings of Development and Learning (ICDL), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 2011, Germany. pp.1 – 7, 2011. - Incremental Local Online Gaussian Mixture Regression for Imitation Learning of Multiple Tasks
Cederborg, T., Ming, L., Baranes, A., Oudeyer, P-Y. (2010)
in Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), Taipei, Taiwan.
- A social learning formalism for learners trying to figure out what a teacher wants them to do
- PhD manuscript: Cederborg, T. (2013) A Formal Approach to Social Learning: Exploring Language Acquisition Through Imitation, Université Sciences et Technologies – Bordeaux I, 2013. Français, Video of Talk of PhD defense
Matthieu Lapeyre (defended in 2014) Poppy: open-source 3D printed and fully modular robotics platform for science, art and education
- Web: and
- Current position: engineer at Inria, co-founder of Pollen Robotics SAS
- Awards: 2nd Best PhD thesis in Robotics, GdR CNRS Robotique (national prize for PhD theses in robotics in France)
- Selected publications:
- Rapid morphological exploration with the Poppy humanoid platform
Matthieu Lapeyre, Steve N’Guyen, Alexandre Le Falher, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, 2014
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nov 2014, Madrid, Spain. pp.8 - Poppy Project: Open-Source Fabrication of 3D Printed Humanoid Robot for Science, Education and Art
Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Jonathan Grizou, Steve Nguyen, Fabien Depraetre, Alexandre Le Falher, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Digital Intelligence 2014, Sep 2014, Nantes, France. pp.6, 2014 - Poppy Humanoid Platform: Experimental Evaluation of the Role of a Bio-inspired Thigh Shape
Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE RAS Humanoids 2013, Oct 2013, Atlanta, United States. 2013 - The Poppy Humanoid Robot: Leg Design for Biped Locomotion
Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nov 2013, Tokyo, Japan. 2013 - Bio-inspired vertebral column, compliance and semi-passive dynamics in a lightweight robot
Olivier Ly, Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Jul 2011, San Francisco, United States. 2011
- Rapid morphological exploration with the Poppy humanoid platform
- Code/design/hardware: Design of varions open-source 3D printed robots, including Poppy humanoid robot:
- PhD Manuscript: Lapeyre, M. Poppy: open-source, 3D printed and fully-modular robotic platform for science, art and education, Université de Bordeaux, 2014. Video of PhD defense ( french).
Jonathan Grizou (defended in 2014) Calibration-free interactive systems with machine learning
- Web:
- Current position: postdoc in the Cronin group, University of Glasgow, UK (studying the properties of oil droplets as a function of their chemical composition via an automated evolutionary process.)
- Awards: Prize “Le Monde” for academic research (prix Le Monde de la recherche universitaire), awarded to the best 12 PhD thesis in all hard science domains in France.
- Selected publications:
- Exploiting Task Constraints for Self-Calibrated Brain-Machine Interface Control Using Error-Related Potentials
Iñaki Iturrate, Jonathan Grizou, Omedes Jason, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes, Luis Montesano
PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2015, [code][abstract] [bib] [latex] [pdf] [data] [plos_one] [google_scholar]- Calibration-Free BCI Based Control
Jonathan Grizou, Iñaki Iturrate, Luis Montesano, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes
Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jul 2014, Quebec, Canada. pp.1-8, 2014.
[abstract] [bib] [latex] [pdf] [poster_latex] [poster_pdf] [google_scholar] [project_page]
- Calibration-Free BCI Based Control
- Interactive Learning from Unlabeled Instructions
Jonathan Grizou, Iñaki Iturrate, Luis Montesano, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes
UAI-30th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Jul 2014, Quebec, Canada. pp.1-8, 2014 - Studying the Co-Construction of Interaction Protocols in Collaborative Tasks with Humans
Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Jonathan Grizou, Manuel Lopes, Katharina Rohlfing, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
The Fourth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Oct 2014, Genoa, Italy - Poppy Project: Open-source fabrication of 3D printed humanoid robot for science, education and art. Lapeyre, M., Rouanet, P., Grizou, J., NGuyen, S., Depraetre, F., et al. (2014). In Digital Intelligence 2014, 6–7.[abstract] [bib] [pdf] [google_scholar] [more_info]
- Exploiting Task Constraints for Self-Calibrated Brain-Machine Interface Control Using Error-Related Potentials
- Code and robots: Libraries: [robotis-scad] [segment-scad] Robots: [poppy-ergo-jr] [poppy-4dof-arm-mini] [poppy-multipod-mini] [poppy-snake-mini] [poppy-4wheels-mini][poppy-dragster-mini]
- PhD Manuscript: Grizou, J. (2014) Learning from Unlabeled Interaction Frames, Univ. Bordeaux. Video of PhD defense. [abstract] [bib] [latex] [pdf] [code] [defense_slides_pdf] [defense_video] [google_scholar] [project_page]
Mai Nguyen (defended in 2014) Strategic learning through the combination of intrinsically motivated and social learning mechanisms
- Web:
- Current position: Maitre de conférence (associate professor, tenure position) at ENST Bretagne, France.
- Selected publications:
- Active Choice of Teachers, Learning Strategies and Goals for a Socially Guided Intrinsic Motivation Learner
Sao Mai Nguyen, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Springer Verlag, 2012, 3 (3), pp.136-146. <>. <10.2478/s13230-013-0110-z> - Socially Guided Intrinsic Motivation for Robot Learning of Motor Skills
Sao Mai Nguyen, Pierre-Yves OudeyerAutonomous Robots, Springer Verlag, 2014, 36 (3), pp.273-294. <>. - Object learning through active exploration
Serena Ivaldi, Sao Mai Nguyen, Natalia Lyubova, Alain Droniou, Vincent Padois, David Filliat, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Olivier Sigaud
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE, 2013, pp.1-18. - Self-Organization of Early Vocal Development in Infants and Machines: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation
Clément Moulin-Frier, Sao Mai Nguyen, Pierre-Yves
OudeyerFrontiers in Psychology, Frontiers, 2013, 4 (1006), <>.
- Active Choice of Teachers, Learning Strategies and Goals for a Socially Guided Intrinsic Motivation Learner
- Code: SGIM algorithm (Socially guided intrinsically motivated learning)
- PhD manuscript: Sao Mai Nguyen (2014) A Curious Robot Learner for Interactive Goal-Babbling : Strategically Choosing What, How, When and from Whom to Learn. Université Sciences et Technologies – Bordeaux I, 2013. English. Video/slides of presentation.
Pierre Rouanet (defended in 2012) Human-robot interfaces with touch pads as mediators object for robust teaching of new visual objects
- Web: and
- Current position: engineer at Inria Flowers and co-founder of Pollen Robotics SAS company
- Selected publications:
- The Impact of Human-Robot Interfaces on the Learning of Visual Objects
Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Fabien Danieau, David Filliat
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE, 2013, 29 (2), pp.525-541. <10.1109/TRO.2012.2228134> - Explauto: an open-source Python library to study autonomous exploration in developmental robotics
Clément Moulin-Frier, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
ICDL-Epirob – International Conference on Development and Learning, Epirob, Oct 2014, Genoa, Italy. 2014 - Poppy Humanoid Platform: Experimental Evaluation of the Role of a Bio-inspired Thigh Shape
Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Humanoids 2013, Oct 2013, Atlanta, United States. 2013 - The Poppy Humanoid Robot: Leg Design for Biped Locomotion
Matthieu Lapeyre, Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nov 2013, Tokyo, Japan. 2013 - A Robotic Game to Evaluate Interfaces used to Show and Teach Visual Objects to a Robot in Real World Condition
Pierre Rouanet, Fabien Danieau, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction HRI 2011 conference, Mar 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2011 - Using mediator objects to easily and robustly teach visual objects to a robot.
Pierre Rouanet, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, David Filliat
ACM SIGGRAPH’2010 Poster, 2010, Los Angeles, United States. 2010
- The Impact of Human-Robot Interfaces on the Learning of Visual Objects
- Code:
- Poppy project: pypot programming library,
- Explauto: A library to study, model and simulate intrinsically motivated curiosity-driven learning and exploration in virtual and robotic agents,
- PhD manuscript: Pierre Rouanet (2012) Apprendre à un robot à reconnaître des objets visuels nouveaux et à les associer à des mots nouveaux : le rôle de l’interface, Université Sciences et Technologies – Bordeaux I, 2012. Français
Adrien Baranes (defended in 2012) Intrinsically motivated learning and exploration: active exploration of goals and maturation for learning repertoires of sensorimotor skills
- Web: and
- Current position: Research engineer at Google, NY, US.
- Awards: Fullbright grant (2012), funding a postdoc at Cognitive Neuroscience lab of Jacqueline Gottlieb, Univ. Columbia, NY.
- Selected publications:
- Information-seeking, curiosity, and attention: computational and neural mechanisms.
Jacqueline Gottlieb, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Manuel Lopes, Adrien Baranes
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Elsevier, 2013, 17 (11), pp.585-93. <>. - Active Learning of Inverse Models with Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration in Robots
Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, 2013, 61 (1), pp.69-73. - Eye movements reveal epistemic curiosity in human observers
Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Jacqueline Gottlieb
Vision Research, Elsevier, 2015, 117, pp.9. <>. - The effects of task difficulty, novelty and the size of the search space on intrinsically motivated exploration
Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Jacqueline Gottlieb
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers, 2014, 8 (317), pp.1-9. <>. - R-IAC: Robust intrinsically motivated exploration and active learning
Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE, 2009, 1 (3), pp.155-169. - Bootstrapping Intrinsically Motivated Learning with Human Demonstrations
Sao Mai Nguyen, Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, 2011, Frankfurt, Germany. pp.Nguyen, 2011 - The Interaction of Maturational Constraints and Intrinsic Motivations in Active Motor Development
Adrien Baranes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Proceedings of ICDL – EpiRob, Aug 2011, Frankfurt, Germany. 2011
- Information-seeking, curiosity, and attention: computational and neural mechanisms.
- Code: Exploration Explorer for Matlab (library for studying algorithms for intrinsically motivated learning of sensorimotor skills in continuous action spaces), documentation.
- PhD manuscript: Adrien Baranes (2011) Motivations Intrinsèques et Contraintes Maturationnelles pour l’Apprentissage Sensorimoteur, Thèse de Doctorat de Adrien Baranès. 2011