

Selected Videos

Also available on my Youtube channel.

Direct links:


Robots and Experiments

The Poppy robot: an open-source 3D printed humanoid for science, education and art

[youtube id=”auRRxwHLyGo” width=”640″ height=”360″]

[youtube id=”4xUdzaqbAT8″ width=”640″ height=”480″]

More information: Poppy project web site


The Ergo-Robots Experiment

[youtube id=”YRh8S1P2dcw” width=”640″ height=”360″]

More information on the Ergo-Robots web page.


ICub learning to recognise objects through curiosity-driven manipulation

[youtube id=”OWjLaGv33i0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]

More info in this article.


The Acroban Humanoid

[youtube id=”wQ9xd4sqVx0″ width=”640″ height=”480″]

More information on the Acroban project web page.


The Playground Experiment

[youtube id=”uAoNzHjzzys” width=”640″ height=”480″]

More information here.


Curiosity-driven learning of omnidirectional locomotion in a quadruped robot

[youtube id=”_HusNBLV7yM” width=”640″ height=”360″]


Flowers Fields: Robotic Lamps Socially Interacting with Humans

[youtube id=”2uYIJAA4jMA” width=”640″ height=”360″]


Human-Robot Interfaces for Teaching New Visual Objects to a Robot

[youtube id=”b3I4dv3F738″ width=”640″ height=”480″]

More information on the dedicated project web page.


Academic Talks

Developmental robotics: Modeling lifelong learning and the morphogenesis of developmental structures (March 2014)

[youtube id=”bkv83GKYpkI” width=”640″ height=”360″]

Self-Organization and Developmental Mechanisms in the Origins of Speech and Action Systems (2012)

[youtube id=”jlW6Cc_Qnfo” width=”640″ height=”360″]

Le rôle de la curiosité dans le développement cognitif : comment les robots peuvent nous aider à comprendre l’homme

[youtube id=”enQYBR3zFpo” width=”640″ height=”480″]

L’auto-organistion dans l’évolution de la parole, Colloque de Rentrée du Collège de France, 2008 (French)

[youtube id=”mIuReXmCMDQ” width=”640″ height=”360″]

L’auto-organisation dans l’évolution de la parole, Aux Origines du Dialogue Humain: Parole et Musique, Colloque de rentrée du Collège de France, Paris. web page of the conference.


Developmental constraints on active learning for the acquisition of motor skills in high-dimensional robots, RSS 2010 workshop on robot learning, 2010 (Academic talk).

Video here.

(27th june 2010) Developmental Constraints on Active Learning for the Acquisition of Motor Skills in High-Dimensional RobotsRSS 2010 Workshop “Towards Closing the Loop: Active Learning for Robotics”, Zaragoza, Spain.


Popular Science Videos / Pour le grand public

“Quand les robots nous aident à comprendre l’homme”, Lift 2013 (Marseille)

[youtube id=”H8JpPRYueA0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]

“Où vont les robots?”, Journée “Des robots et des hommes”, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, 2010 (Vulgarisation / Médiation scientifique).

[youtube id=”Bwtm_fIqeSI” width=”640″ height=”480″]

Aux sources de la parole: interview la modélisation de l’évolution des langues (2014)

[youtube id=”ZEf6oYfIR7I” width=”640″ height=”360″]

Des robots qui inventent leur propre langue

[youtube id=”jotvIhmqjEA” width=”640″ height=”360″]

Dans Mirouze, J-P. (2002) Images et sciences du langage (Interview 10 mn), Broadcasted on France 5 (and used as a support in schools).Vidéo ici.

Alan Turing et la robotique développementale

[youtube id=”kDgGAk99480″ width=”640″ height=”360″]


Le déséquilibre de l’apprentissage

Langlois, A., Ly. O., Oudeyer, P-Y. (2012) Le déséquilibre de l’apprentissage, Inria. (selected in category “hors-compétition” at Festival du Film de Chercheur à Nancy, to be used as support in schools). video ici.


Le tour des labos par Nao le robot

Intervenant dans:

. Courbatze, J-P., Fievet D. (2011) Le tour des labos par Nao le robot (Interview 10mn), Universcience TV. (also published on Vidéo ici.


The Ergo-Robot Experiment: Artificial Curiosity and Language Formation in Robots

[youtube id=”M-XUEl9pVJM” width=”640″ height=”360″]

More information on the project web site.

Extrait du spectacle C2M1

[youtube id=”Om-d3P5kvW4″ width=”640″ height=”360″]

More information on the artists web site.

Artist Residency “Etre et Numerique”, Comacina/Poppy Project/Fabrique Pola/Lycée Saintonge

[youtube id=”FNU91Q2ynoE” width=”640″ height=”360″]

Other videos

video of natural human-robot language teaching

video of the Maïdo and Gurby experiment: emotional interactions and the origins of shared speech sounds


video of an interview in La Cinquième TV channel on the Maïdo and Gurby Experiment (in french)more info…

video of a talk I gave in Café des Arts et des Sciences, at the FNAC, about self-organization and the origins of language (in french) (real video)